bye bye office & Project 2010, see you when you will be worthy

Thats it! following two major issues that i faced with outlook 2010 (here) and Project 2010 (here) i decided to uninstall them and wait for a better version.
Even though you can say "Hey this is a beta what did you expect", i can tell you that algorithm break in project is unacceptable and makes the solution useless! and that also goes for the large email size in outlook 2010! which caused large number of people i send mail to need to archive their mailto local PST on a daily basis because i filled their quota.

The basic thing that i lack here is the EAP for these kind of betas (i would love to get daily builds) BUT Microsoft doesn't distribute on daily basis.
bye bye office & Project 2010, see you when you will be worthy bye bye office & Project 2010, see you when you will be worthy Reviewed by Ran Davidovitz on 4:21 AM Rating: 5


יחד - הר גילה said...

Good to know you finally convinced.
I know you are usually "early adopter", but if you think how much time did you spent because of MS you'll probably conclude that you need to sue them... so you can do it here this is my friend website...

Ran Davidovitz said...

Very nice site! yes i have spent too much on that BUT you are right that i am an early adopter and thats life.
What i would like to see is that EA like me will have option to get new builds (that fix the above and create new :) )

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