Don't ignore a problem by using filters

Email is an amazing async channel, I simply love it but as all things, too much of it end up as a productivity killer!

The are several rules I apply when sending emails:

  1. TO - Include people that have actions items (AI)
  2. CC - People that really should be aware (this is not nice to have)
  3. BCC - usually when I reply and reduce participants, I include removed people in BCC to be aware and have option to return

I consider my INBOX as a true driver for work and knowledge which means i usually aim to have 0 unread inbox.

To achieve this when i get an email that has one of the following, than i work with the sender to better understand or ask politely to remove me:
  1. I am in the TO without AI
  2. I am in the CC without a need to be aware

I don't use email filter since I found that they hide the true problem of getting email that I should have not gotten 

Every time i find my self marking an email as read without reading or deleting it - i ask the question "Should I really get such email"? 

Example of useless emails from my view

  1. CC list on all changes in a repo
  2. CC on every build that occurs that i didn't trigger 
  3. Seeing group of reviewer for one code change without clear ownership of who does what

Do you relate to it?
Any suggestion you can suggest ?

Don't ignore a problem by using filters Don't ignore a problem by using filters Reviewed by Ran Davidovitz on 6:01 AM Rating: 5

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