Google rejected simple ionic app and I just don't understand why ?

Why would google reject hybrid app which is pretty simple UI that shows list of video from a channel and than shows the video in embedded iframe ( all using the google API v3 and NO tweaks )

Google sent an email saying that:

REASON FOR REMOVAL: Violation of section 4.4 of the Developer Distribution Agreement.

After a regular review, we have determined that your app downloads, monetizes, or otherwise accesses YouTube videos in violation of the YouTube Terms of Service or YouTube API Terms of Service. Accessing content, a product, or service in an unauthorized manner is a violation of the Developer Distribution Agreement, and is not allowed on Google Play.

Even trying to appeal got reply that the review has the same results without clearly providing what actually wrong ...

The app is VERY simple and is using API key to get channel content, so I don't really understand what's wrong ( it is authenticated but without client user )...

Anyone can provide me some more info ?

Google rejected simple ionic app and I just don't understand why ? Google rejected simple ionic app and I just don't understand why ? Reviewed by Ran Davidovitz on 4:26 PM Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

Did you figure out how to resolve the youtube api issue to allow youtube video playback?

Ran Davidovitz said...

The problem is that there is NO issues in term of policy / license - this is a total BS.
my suggestion (which i didn't do) is to submit the app again (change the description ) and pray to god.

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