Relocating ? (some TIPS for you)

So you think about relocating, below is a list that I am arranging  that should help you in the process


Temporary accommodation

  1. Should be for period of 30 or until the container arrive to the target (this can be higher)
  2. Should NOT be restricted to origin/target only (don't think you can spend more because of it)


  1. You must review the bonus policy and if it has any differences than what you have now! 
  2. Bonus policy can change every year - so highly suggested you try to have the bonus % as low as possible and moved it to the base salary (dah)

Home leave

  1. If there is a limit of days - it shouldn't be lower than 3 weeks.
  2. Transportation from and to air port should be included
  3. Check if your home leave is taxable! (this will impact your yearly calculations)

Return home

  1. Size of container should be proportional to the size of the family - e.g. if you came with 20" but doubled the size of family --> container will be larger.
  2. Air cargo 100kg - is important and if not sued than can be used for other things(like bigger container) 

The stuff


  1. If you don't need, give away!
  2. Make each box contain items ONLY from the target location in the house - this will make the unpacking easier, in our case our movers decided to mix rooms in the boxes and caused us delay of one week when we unpacked and organized the house 
This will be updated with more

Relocating ? (some TIPS for you) Relocating ? (some TIPS for you) Reviewed by Ran Davidovitz on 8:20 PM Rating: 5

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