The amazing relationship between slowly smoking Brisket, Chicken, Sausages and 4 weeks of interviewing!

Surprise! - For the last 3 weeks I am in the process of finding a new job.

There are several companies I am applying for starting from new startups, mature startups and bigger enterprises (all in technology leadership positions).

While all positions and companies are good in each own area, there is a big difference between them - the job offering process latency is slower, as the company is getting bigger and mature.

Don't get me wrong, slow doesn't mean reduced quality - but simply different aspect of interview process and more focused processes (and yes, bigger is slower)

Why is that information so important you ask, well it's crazy important since when you are building your interview pipeline, you must take that into consideration and apply for bigger companies first and smaller after.

The reason is simple, you want to be in a position that you have several offers (by companies who chose you and believe you both benefit from each other) and then you make smart decision between them.

How is that related to slow smoking meat you ask, well its the same :)

When you host a smoking dinner for 10 people or so, you need to start the smoker 7 hours before dinner starts and put the meat in the following order:

  1. Large Brisket (slower) - requires 6 hours and goes in after 1 hour of running the smoker
  2. Chicken requires (medium size) - requires 2 hours, which means you put it after 3 hours that the smoker is running
  3. Sausages (quick and yummy) - requires 1 hour, which means you put it after 6 hours that the smoker is running
By the way, warming the smoker for 1 hours is equivalent for taking fews days to really decide what you want to do next and plan.

This ensures that all the meat is ready before the meal and you can manage the meal as you want, simply reduce heat and keep the meat at the require warmth :)

The amazing relationship between slowly smoking Brisket, Chicken, Sausages and 4 weeks of interviewing! The amazing relationship between slowly smoking Brisket, Chicken, Sausages and 4 weeks of interviewing! Reviewed by Ran Davidovitz on 11:23 AM Rating: 5

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