The ASP.NET Sessions Active counter (NOT State Server) shows invalid number after installing .NET 3.5 SP!

in addition to the previous issue of random failing to install .net 3.5 SP1 in silent mode without restart, we had an issue of memory usage in load that we wanted to investigate and for that we requested from the load team to provide the Sessions Active counter of the INPROC sessions state.

Few days ago while we were analyzing the results we saw that the Sessions Active value was not related to any profile we use – we saw a very large number e.g. 4294967114 that started to occur after a very short period of time.

Also as a side note if by any chance you do manual collect you will see that every collection makes the number goes down, this is weird!

I started searching for this symptom and i have found similar issue in State Server Sessions Active counter which tells me that there is a bug that would probably be in another section of code – only time will tell (we use In proc session handling).

Today while speaking with TAM of Microsoft i understood that the issue is currently open and pending investigation by Microsoft, i will update once we have any progress here.

Do you have any clever way to get the number of sessions until the above issue will be solved – but without code :) ?

The ASP.NET Sessions Active counter (NOT State Server) shows invalid number after installing .NET 3.5 SP! The ASP.NET Sessions Active counter (NOT State Server) shows invalid number after installing .NET 3.5 SP! Reviewed by Ran Davidovitz on 2:04 PM Rating: 5


michael. said...

I'm experiencing this as well. has there been a hotfix?

Ran Davidovitz said...

there is currently HOTFIX being tested by our load team once it will be approved there will be a private fix

Ran Davidovitz said...

I can update that Private fix is pending to be created by microsoft as the fix was approved to be working

Joseph said...

Did you ever get an official hotfix? I am working with MS on the same problem.


Bruno Kenj said...

A few days ago, we began having the same problem with an old site in 2.0... damn it...

Ran Davidovitz said...

I think it should be publicly distributed in few days as it was already built for private build and confirmed to be working

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