Its all about the version

last week I downloaded couple of good frameworks I am going to use more and more for the client side:

  • CoffeeScript – I was skeptic at start, but I am addicted now
  • KnockOutJS – MVVM, its all about two way binding
  • BackBone – MVC, utilities and good app design
  • KnockBack – takes the good of KnockOutJS & BackBone and combine them together


I started to write a simple code that will show list of items (Customer name and severity) and allow the user to double click on the customer name / Severity text so that it will become editable

It took me 10 min to write it and 4 hours to debug why it was not working


CoffeeScript code:

TicketViewModel = (ticket) ->
@customer_name = kb.observable(ticket, {key: 'CustomerName', write: ((text) ->{CustomerName: text}))}, this)
@editingCustomerName = ko.observable(false)
@editCustomerName = (event) => @editingCustomerName(true)

@severity = kb.observable(ticket, {key: 'Severity', write: ((text) ->{Severity: text}))}, this)
@editingSeverity = ko.observable(false)
@editSeverity = (event) => @editingSeverity(true)
@destroyTodo = => model.destroy()

TicketListViewModel = (tickets) ->
@tickets = ko.observableArray([])
@collection_observable = kb.collectionObservable(tickets, @tickets, { view_model_constructor: TicketViewModel })
@removeTicket = (ticket) =>

app_view_model =
tickets_list: new TicketListViewModel(tickets)



<ul class="ticket-list" data-bind="foreach:">
div class
span class="ticket-customer" data-bind="text: customer_name, visible: !editingCustomerName(), dblclick: editCustomerName"></span
input data-bind
="value: customer_name, visible: editingCustomerName, hasfocus: editingCustomerName" />
span class="ticket-severity" data-bind="text: severity, visible: !editingSeverity(), dblclick: editSeverity"></span
select data-bind
="value: severity, visible: editingSeverity, hasfocus: editingSeverity">
option value="P1">P1</option
option value="P2">P2</option
option value="P3">P3</option
a href="#" data-bind="click: $parent.removeTicket">Delete me</a


I had two problems:

  • The click event was not binded to my function on my model

  • After fixing it, When clicking the function didn’t get as first parameter the current item

to make a long story short I had two key problems

  • The context I was looping on was the root rather than the collection, so I had to specifically write the function name with its parent , so instead of “$parent.removeTicket” I had to write “$root.tickets_list.removeTicket”

  • the version of KnockoutJS that is delivered with KnockBack is OLD! and didn’t have support of passing the current item

I need to find a better way to share code…. any suggestions?

Its all about the version Its all about the version Reviewed by Ran Davidovitz on 1:34 PM Rating: 5

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